
Showing posts from 2019


I have listened to some biblical teachings that have named SIN as "Satan Imparted Nature", "Satan Identification Number", "Satan Infected Nature" and so on. No doubt, these are quite good descriptions of SIN. But I notice in scripture just like you might have, "All the unrighteousness is sin..." (I John 5:17). You see, Sin is unrighteousness and not just an unrighteousness but all unrighteousness. We see essentially in Ezekiel  18:4  "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Hmmm, the death expressed here is not actually the physical death but the spiritual death. When a man is spiritually dead, he has no connection with God, because God is a Spirit and He is connected to those who are alive to Him in the Spirit.  Lest we get to far, you may like to ask further, what is unrighteousness? A literal way to attempt this is simply saying all thing that are not right and rightly done is unrighteousness and by far it is known as SIN. How then...


A lot of things are been said and written on the subject of spiritual revival, I will be depending on a number of such as I present this issue."Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"(Psalms  85:6). When REVIVAL is mentioned, what comes to mind? Big tent? Fire and brimstone preaching? Lots of shouts of Amen, Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus? Certainly in times past we have seen all of these things but truth be told, revival is very rare and sometimes nonexistent today. I think this is mostly because in today’s high-tech, fast-paced, rush-rush world we have lost sight of what it means to devote time to steadfast prayer for the unsaved; to share the good news about eternal life. A good definition of revive is found in Merriam-Webster as: 1. to make (someone or something) strong, healthy, or active again 2. to become strong, healthy, or active again 3. to bring (something) back into use or popularity Beloved, how descriptive of our church today are t...


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"(John 3:16). I think of the matchless love of God for humanity and it appears none or very little is done by humanity in appreciation. "...Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."(Ephesians 5:25-27). Again, I think of the unconditional love of Christ for the church and it appear the Church is fast forgetting that Christ is its head. God gave His only begotten son for your redemption and His son- Jesus Christ submitted Himself as a sacrifice  for humanity. The sincere question I like you answer is, What have you given Him in return? I remember this song,  "I Gave My Life for The...


A popular question in this part of the world is, " there light?" This often arises as a result of the epileptic nature of electricity supply we often experience. More than that, you may be familiar with such shout as "Up NEPA!", meaning electricity has just been restored. Other times, it could be "Ahaaa!", "Ohhh!", "Hmmm", it signals light out unexpectedly. All these point to the necessity of light. Light is indispensable, in fact, God during the creation activities had to create light first. "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."(Genesis 1:3). In short, where there is no light, nothing or very little can be done. I remember an occasion of travelling at night with a bad vehicle headlamp, can you imagine, the journey was slow and quite frustrating. The truth we must come to know and accept is that "Ye [we] are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid."(Matthew 5:14). ...


When the wicked papetrate their wickedness, they don't factor God in the evil agenda. But one thing I am sure of, God shows up, appears, intervene and fight for His Children. When Haman was to plan for Mordecai's execution through the gallow project, he never thought of the God of the Jews (Our Almighty Father). God showed up, to Haman's wildest surprise, his family and the community, God turned it all against Him. He died the death he was cooking for God's Children (Esther 7:10 Read Chapter 3-7 for the clear picture). Are you one of God's child? Don't be perplexed by the antics of that wicked fellow or fellowship against you, Just as it has been, God is showing up on that  matter and they are going to be victims of their agenda. You are the victor and testimony, therefore, worry not and smile on... It appears you are forgetting too soon, Daniel was ganged up against by some wicked men of the Babylonia empire. They instigated and formulated a decree just to di...


"You are out of data, recharge your account..." This was what I got from my network provider the moment my device stopped been internet active. I could no longer engage by online businesses, posting my issue articles, checking my mail updates, chatting up my treasured friend through my various social media account..., it was not too cool. Then, it suddenly flashed my mind that as pilgrims on earth, it is necessary to recharge in the GRACE direction.  After all, we read in scripture, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..." (2Corinthian 12:9). The sufficiency of God's Grace as made no excuse for the believer in time of difficulties; infirmities and challenges because His Grace is sufficient. While, it remains true that "...all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2Timothy 3:12). For the believer, in the face of these persecutions victory is sure as he or she hangs ...


Are you currently in a despicable condition and you think and feel all hope is lost, I like to tell you, there is hope! You might be aware of the story of Elizabeth's fruitlessness (John I:5-25 ). Zechariah's family had considered the possibility of their fruitfulness bleak but yet God showed up. Elizabeth conceived and became fruitful. God is showing up in your affairs now. Beloved, there is hope of fruitfulness for you in God. All you need is to be "righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the lord blameless" (John 1:6). Do you lack vision like the man born blind (See John 9), his case was so severe that Christ's disciples had to ask, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that was born blind?" (John 9:2). See, there is hope for you because from that moment, the man received his sight. Yours may not be physical blindness, it could be lack of direction in life, all you need to do is to obey God as the Blind man d...


VANITY In the words of the preacher "...vanity of vanities; all is vanity."(Ecclesiastes 1:2) The vanity of life is a priceless and eternal true that all hominid must always be conscious of. In simple and direct terms vanity means emptiness and valuelessness. The preacher in his expression was pointing at the unending meaninglessness of man's toils and labours in this world. You see, we give our time, strength and skill to a number of earthly venture that are actually good with little attention of the usual end of it all. Have you seen or ever heard of a man who lived forever? Have you heard of anyone who dies and still lives on the earth? Have you heard of anyone whose achievement have not been challenged or surpassed in generations? The dressing point is that life itself is vanity and in it is no hope. Man is born to live, and lives to die...Man is born to die. Beloved, the unchanging death as man's end should place your thought in the realms of defining a hope for...


A thief is someone who steals; in other words, a person who takes what does not rightfully belongs to him or her. These days several means are adopted to steal, while some device tricks and deceits as familiar among pickpockets, internet fraudsters and the one termed 419; others will engage the use of force to get what does not belong to them. The activities of armed robbers visiting places or on the highway will properly describe this. One undisputable fact about thieves anywhere on planet earth and perhaps beyond is that they are so detested. A thief is a criminal and this treated and punished as such. You will be fast to remember the capital punishment melted on the two thieves ('male factors' as used in the Bible) that were punished with sinless Jesus. They were crucified to death. "And one of the male factors (thieves) which were hanged with him[Jesus] railed on him...but the other answering rebuked him..." (Luke 23:39-43). You see, there is hope for a thief, b...

Mr. Thief 1

The first thief ever is the devil, that old serpent. He came to Eve in Garden of Eden to steal her mind when she was carried away by her lust and enticed; he came to kill her conscience such that she underestimated her God and His law; he came to practically destroy her relationship and that of Mankind with God. What a thief, a murder and a devourer. No wonder we see in John 10:10, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Also, in 1Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour". Don't be his victim. Just the same way the devil carried out his devilish and deceptive antics on the first woman and by far the first family of the human race, so does he today. He is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent, but he has developed agents assigned everywhere in the world to undertake ...


One thing I have always desired and prayed for, is to live every second and minute of my life in the consciousness of the ability and power of He who is in me, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1John 4:4). The devil is never tired of making believers to underestimate the ability and power of God who lives in them. He adopts his devices to distract the believer from the fact that God dwells in them; he thrown up atmospheres of fear to repress the believer's faith and confidence in God. Dear friend, let me raise some points here, which I know will help you understand where you stand as God's redeemed. First, "Ye are of God...". God owns you and will never leave you to suffer destruction and torments from the devil. Just like every property owner will guard his/her property jealousy against damage, so will God do to His property which you are as a redeemed saint. Seco...


Crucial points, especially where decision must be made are CROSSROADS. Many times in our lives we are faced with circumstances in which silence won't do. All that would be needed at such point is to make a decision and that very fast to remedy something or prevent a catastrophe. A case in point is that of the biblical Israelite in their course of journeying out of Egypt. It was a pressing situation that breeds fear; before them was an unchallengeable Red sea and behind them was a ferocious pursue of an organized slave masters under Pharaoh's leadership. You should be quick to remember, the Israelite remained at a point of either submitting and returning to the unpalatable painful experiences under their former Egyptian task master or descend into a welcoming destruction presented to them by the raging Red sea (An account recorded in Exodus13,14)     A central question being agitated when in a crossroad situation is that of decision. The children of Israel were faced wit...


NO CONDEMNATION! Roman 8:1 is just good to start with, it reads "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit". You know what? Several believers still get hunted by their past, this should not be. Being hunted by your past should not be an experience of those who are genuine children of God, who are washed in Christ's precious blood and led by His Spirit. Condemnation in the context of Roman 1:8 (earlier quoted) is a condition of remaining in a strong and pounding state of guilt after repentance and divine pardon. It could also be, personally, however a state of self-unforgiveness and  unconvertible urge after divine pardon.  I mentioned divine pardon, this need not be questioned, we find it basis in scriptures; "He that covereth is sin shall both prosper: but whoso confesseth and forseketh them shall have mercy...for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their i...


When we are confronted with situations that compel us to do the ideal against the voice and pressure of realities, you hear such statements as, "it is easier said than done". Many times, we tend to live our lives in response to the voice of realities with little or no consideration for the repercussions, consequences and in fact the mind of the supreme law giver (God). Something that concerns my mind mostly is how we could be so 'ignorant' of God's mind and will in the midst of a circled world predominated with divine teachings, messages, writings and sermons by such acclaimed called fellows of God around us. If I am correct, Africa, for instance, and Nigeria particularly has been pointed as the most religious enclave in the world, yet it appears, descriptively a Sodom of this age. The pain remains, as much as the Gospel is preached, very little are given to adhering and living in accordance to it; we hear a lot but fail to do them. Let's benefit from James e...


A young girl got a quite fashionable ready-made wear from a boutique with all she had made from her merger savings. Sad enough, on getting home, she discovered that a particular part of the dress was loosed, disfiguring the fitness of it on her. She ran quickly to the location where she bought the cloth, amazingly, she was told that the boutique was a mobile store. Her desperate mind to change the dress pushed her to trace the boutique's next selling point, on getting their, she demanded a change for the dress item, the sellers refused, they claim to operate a no return policy on purchased dresses. She retired home unhappy and discouraged. While her mum returned from work, she discovered her daughter's rather reserved continuance, mum asked, "what's the problem with you? look unusually quiet and reserved". She shared her ordeal with mum in tears. Mum told her not to worry at all and that all the dress needs was an amendment which will be fixed by the tailor ...


Frankly speaking, everybody on planet earth desires long life. The intense desire for long life is spelt in the hopeful expectation of the socially, politically and economic deprived as well as those challenged in health that some day the table will turn and life will be worth living. To this end, rarely has death ever been the solution in tacking life challenges. May we then be correct to say, death is one of lives most dreaded pain; which ever way it is seen, death is real and has remained one debt every human will pay, but certainly NOT NOW because there is provision of longevity for God's children. See this, "With long life will l satisfy him, and show him my salvation." (Psalm 91:16) Beloved, there is a covenant against untimely death in God's word (the Bible) binding the prolonged existence of believers here on earth. Dear reader, l know life challenges, including life threatening one are very much around us today, yet we have to be focused on the already seal...

ASK!!! (3)

A common instruction introducing examinations comes this way, "follow the instruction below". For every examination participants to make outstanding outcome, the stated instructions must be followed to letter which we often comply with. Sadly, when it comes to biblical instructions, Christian principles, and divine injunctions, we find it difficult to adhere. A particular one we have been considering in previous issues on (TRR)- ASK!  Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth: and he that seeketh  findeth: and to him that knocketh it shall be opened" (Matthew 7:7-8). Asking is the pathway to receiving. As far as God and His Word is concerned, a simple way to receiving blessings from God is by asking in faith. "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall rec...

ASK (2)

Economics brought to fore the knowledge that human wants are insatiable. However true this many appear, there must be a means through which human beings will then pursue and satisfy these needs. I am sure you are will agree with me that ASKING is one of the ways to getting those unending human wants. For Christians, this asking is expressed in the place of prayer. Believers will always have requests as it touch their spiritual, ministerial, family, circular needs and so on, more particularly the basic needs of life. It is interesting to discover, God understands that for man to get his needs and prayers answered, ASKING is indispensable, this is why in the Lord's prayer, Christ taught we, His disciples, "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread..." (Matthew 6:9-11). You must ask for your daily bread just like you ask other t...

ASK!!! (1)

"Ask Google" was the response of a young lady to the unending questioning of her friend. Demanding answers is the core function of questioning. The existence of a body of knowledge is a product of scrutiny which is often made possible by knowledge based enquiry. On a light note, from childhood, man is fond of asking; we ask for material needs most times from our parents, demand relief for our health needs from the doctors, nurses or pharmacists; and of course our intellectual and cognitive agitations are fixed by our teachers, guardian and sometimes studying. Funny but true to know, we now live in a digitalized generation where we are now fond of asking Google, Yahoo, Bing and a number of search engines hosted on the world web. The point here is, our existence is akin to asking. Perhaps this will hold water, "Asking is Living". Our needs and wants has subjected humanity to an asking/demanding culture. You will discover that communication and relationships are bond ...


The story of one despotic African herbalist would continue to attest to the unquestionable and limitless  power of the one and only Almighty God. The man took hostage of a particular village in South western Nigeria. Every villager practically feared him because of his wicked act and often jungle justice against his offenders and enemies, he was said to take what rightfully belongs to others and afflict them for it.  An occasion of one of his show off of power and wickedness, two young Christian brothers visited the village under undescribable circumstances.  After his display demonic power, the young brothers challenged his actions and stood against what he was demanding for. The herbalist got furious at the challenge he got from this young man and promised to strike them.  He angrily displaced into his shrine, made his enchantments, incantation and sent his evil arrow to these brothers. While the arrows approached these young brothers, they issued commands and decr...


"But thanks be to God, which giveth us THE VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:47). Yes, we often hear about victories in several sphere of life; a sportsman at the end of a sport fiesta would either celebrate his victory or lament his defeat, the same is the case with a student engaged in an academic competition. Like I noted earlier, people celebrate several victories in this world, but there is one victory -THE VICTORY. "THE VICTORY" is a definite, sure and final victory. It is the victory bequeathed to us by God through his Son, Jesus. 1John 5:4 talks about this "For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is THE VICTORY that overcometh the world even our faith". Our possession of THE VICTORY is tied to our sonship and faith in God through the personality of Christ.  Beloved, while you desire victories in all sphere of life in this world it is important for you to possess THE VICTORY. It is a victory that spells yo...


I had a friend in my secondary school days, he was so diligent to studying that several students noticed him. Then, some student would ask him, why don't you give a little time to play with friends, we often tell him "all work can no play makes Jack a dull boy"; he would respond by saying something like "friends, as for me, I have decided to study hard, if possible even while am asleep, to become a lawyer in the future". Some of us back then would laugh in jest or complement and he would just keep focused. You know what? He was recently seen on national television as one of the lawyers handling one of the high profile political cases in the country. Though fictional, yet instructive of how our decisions today can influence our position and placement tomorrow. Decisions in life can never be compromised, whether you like it or not you will make decisions. Have you thought of it, everyday you make decision on what to wear, where to go, how to relate with people an...


There is always a new before the renewing, for without the new, there is nothing to renew. Pursue and attain a new life in Christ; then, the renewing begins. The mind, although an visible part of the human body, wields great influence on the attitude, behavior, and actual way of life of a man. In fact, the central position the mind occupies in the physical and social existence of man has made it more referred to as the heart which is used to describe the place that houses the human life. For medical sciences, once the heart is bad, the physical existence of a man is threatened and when it stops beating, the man is dead.  Dear friend, you must always strive for the healthy condition of your heart or mind. No wonder, Proverbs 4:23 says "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Renewing the mind is a conscious effort that must be made by someone who has benefitted of the saving Grace of God in Christ Jesus and have obtained a new heart experienc...


A middle aged woman got amazed by the swift and 'magical' functions of an internet enabled phone, she would not waste further time in getting hers. She raised funds and purchased one for herself. Usually,  when such devices are brought, network providers make some free-to-web services available for its user. Funny enough, this woman enjoyed the free internet services on her phone for some weeks; perhaps, she never thought her new device came with a new obligation to re-new her data at intervals. It was not until the device rejected her free access to the world web, she discovered that surfing the web was not actually free without a daily, weekly or monthly data renewal. In the same way, a car owner would not only settle for the cost of buying the said vehicle but will bear in mind the attached expenses of regular fueling, renewing of vehicle particulars and of course, its maintenances.    Beloved, before talking about re-newing, you must have something you intend to rene...


...of the power and anointing of this resurrection season, it is real, powerful and limitless. The case of Lazarus of Bethany will help us understand what resurrection means, specifically when Christ had to affirm that He is "...the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25). Resurrection is bringing to life what is most certainly dead and lifeless.  You see, I am most concerned about the resurrection anointing and power, and you taking advantage of it this time. You must have heard, and if not, that about 2000 years ago the very Son of God- Jesus Christ was crucified, He suffered and died. His death and resurrection bequeathed salvation, deliverance, healing and the resurrection power to humanity. Since then, on the ticket of faith, humanity became beneficiaries of this power and anointing (Isaiah 53:2, Colossians 2:6-15). The resurrection power and anointing is still very much with us and particularly this season of easter, when we commemorate the death and resurrection of ...


The case of the man with a withered hand recorded in Mark 3:1-6, who experienced a miraculous transformation in his physical condition just like many others in scriptures. The Man's case is peculiar for our understanding here; his physical appearance got changed such that it became noticeable to all and the Pharisees particularly had to criticize and accuse the Healer (Jesus) for healing on the Sabbath. Beloved, transformation has to do with very visible physical, spiritual or societal change worthy of remarks. Perhaps you have heard this before, "the spiritual controls the physical" and also the national. A connecting implication is that their may not be a remarkable physical and societal transformation so desired by many without a spiritual transformation. I now see the reason why the scriptures exhorts us to be transformed.  "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable...


" can't beat them, join them", an ancient adage which may still be much relevant in circular affairs, but will never hold water in the Christian faith. This is simply because the non-conformist clause as believers principle for living has not and can never be changed, "For I am the lord, I change not..."(Malachi 3:6). Beloved, you need to know that God's unchanging nature does not only touch His healing, miraculous and prospering power and ability; it also places particular emphasis on God's principles for living of which one is our non-conformity to the world. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."(Romans12:2). This is not just an expression but a commandment for God's children (believers), instructing us not to be given to the sinful practices and pleasures of this world but should rather stand out to imp...


One of the most common thing with people is worries. Human beings worry a lot, we worry over what we eat, wear, drink and virtually every thing. The truth remains that our worries can certainly change nothing. Situation never gets changed or pacified by our worries. "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature."(Matthew 6:27) For me, I have learnt of two things that help change our conditions, that is prayers and trust in God- FAITH. These two works together. While you pray to God for your desires, you need to also trust in Him for the fulfillment of those desires. "Commit thy way unto the LORD (Pray); trust also in him (have faith in God); and he shall bring it to pass" (Psalm 37:5). It is therefore only through God that you can get the desires of your heart fulfilled.  No ways with worries in getting your desires fulfilled. I remember that song writer,                             ...


I have grown to understand as a young Christian that fighting is not good. Those days as children, we were taught to abstain from fighting and anything that is capable of causing it. All the same, as a Christian I have also grown to understand that their is the God's own fight, that is the fight that God carries out by Himself on behalf of His children. When God is involved in your fight, you don't do that yourself, God does it for you. Many of us get aggressive after been offended by a friend or neighbour, we will never allow offences pass without a commensurate retaliation. This is what often escalate to fights which the bible does not support. The scripture says clearly "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." (Exodus 14:14).God says He will fight for you because He doesn't want you to fight,  He says that so that you will not need to fight anybody, so that you won't feel cheated after been offended by a foe, so that you can always fi...


Most of the conclusions reached on matters of life in our world these days are often influenced by sight view, such that many people painfully, including believers are quickly ignoring and forgetting the power of faith possibilities, now giving focus to what they see (sight view) only, just like the biblical doubting Thomas who refused to believe the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ until he had to see Him. (John 20:24-29). We find in II Corinthians 5:7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight". Working by sight is unbelief, faithlessness and lack of trust in God. Faith is fully and persuasively believing in an expectation not yet seen, faith focuses its sight on God's unfailing and all-powerful and do-able ability.  The sight view, judgement and acceptance of your condition liquidates the power and possibilities of your faith. We must learn from Abraham who held on to God's promise for  an Issac and would never resort to a sight view of his physical state, age and...


On a quite tragic situation, "...we thank God it has not always been like this" was the commencing statement of a man who has been well labelled for starting his prayers often with thanksgiving. As received, the audience anticipated how he would commence his prayer on that fateful day, but because his heart and spirit is addicted to thanksgiving he found a way out to still THANK GOD even in a most tragic and unpleasant condition. Dear friend, I know, it is very easy to THANK GOD in sweet and rosy situations, but when things are sour and not turning the way we expect, thanking God becomes a little difficult. Don't forget, the scriptures exhorts us to give thanks in every situation "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1Thessalonians 5:18). We need to cultivate a lifestyle of thanking God when things are good or bad.  Beloved, when things are smooth and just fine, it is appropriate to give thanks so you don...


I received a number of queries in the last few weeks, I have not been responsive to phone calls as usual. This is actually not intentional but might be as a result of conditions relatively beyond my control those times. Dear reader, we may draw some useful points from this as regards our communication with God. I read often in scriptures God's promise to answer/respond our call(prayer) any time we call on Him. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" (Jeremiah 33:3); "He shall upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him" (Psalm 91:15), (also see Psalm 50:15, Jeremiah 29:12). Beloved, it is now clear beyond doubt that God's promises of answers to our prayers is certain. When you call Him, He answers, not like men, just like myself who has failed in responding to calls, missing calls. God's never miss calls. My friend the only condition that wi...


What thoughtful love and concern in God's mind on every condition we find ourselves, one of which is spelt out in Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness". Just like I never met it through my very few years in faith, no wonder it has occupied my expressions on TRR- #Times_Of_Restoration_And_Refreshing in the past issues. In any case, I present to you what may round it up as we consider HIS HANDS. Without gainsaying we are referring to the aspect of our verse that says "...I will uphold you with right hand of my righteousness." Beloved, the right hand of God's righteousness is talking about the hands of God's Power, the hands of His righteousness, the hands of His strength, the hands of His purity, the hand of His deliverance, the finger of God Himself, the hand of His possibilities, the hand of His p...


"Help! Help!! Help!!!" We often hear this shout when people are in most distressed moment. No doubt, everybody desires help in an area or the other. While we are made to look up to some people, organizations or governments for help because of certain expectations we have of them, yet we have experienced dashed hopes and disappointments in their failures to deliver such help despite the readily available resources for such within their disposal. Still on our working scripture, Isaiah 41:10. "...for I am thy God...I will help thee". Here is a direct declaration of help for us from God. He is saying, I know men, organizations, government have failed to help you, but "I (God) will help you". Friend, why not begin to look away from the failures and disappointments you have experienced from family members and friends, now focus on God who cannot lie, " two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation...


Strength which is widely used interchangeably with such words as power, ability, might and so on is very crucial to make meaningful progress in anything we set out to do. Find me someone who detests strength and I will show you someone who may certainly not have any impart in his/her lifetime. Strength is indispensable. The indispensability of strength has made it one of man's sole desire. However, as we engage our daily routine, there are tendencies of weakness. God understands this so well that is why He gave us His assured promise of strength "...for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee..." (Isaiah 41:10). Beloved, are you currently going through physical (bodily) weakness, God said "I will strengthen you"; is yours academic weakness, He has promised, "I will strengthen you"; is yours spiritual weakness, you have His word, "I will strengthen you". Listen friend, whatever weakness you are experiencing, you have an assured strength from Go...


I see a quite loaded verse of the scripture for turbulent times in the book of Isaiah, I started with it in the immediate past issue on TRR which was entitled: "FEAR THOU NOT". Let's see again, Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with thee right hand of my righteousness." Many of us might not have given particular attention to find out the meaning of DISMAYED; my friend, if u have not, let me tell you, it means to be worried or disappointed. You know what? Several matter arising this days have left many of us in serious state of worries, anxiety and of course confusion and disappointments such that we keep asking the probing and yet rethorical questions such as, "How do I get this done?", "Why me in this whole wide world?", "What have I done to deserve this?", "After all I have done, should I get this in tur...