I have listened to some biblical teachings that have named SIN as "Satan Imparted Nature", "Satan Identification Number", "Satan Infected Nature" and so on. No doubt, these are quite good descriptions of SIN. But I notice in scripture just like you might have, "All the unrighteousness is sin..." (I John 5:17). You see, Sin is unrighteousness and not just an unrighteousness but all unrighteousness. We see essentially in Ezekiel 18:4 "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Hmmm, the death expressed here is not actually the physical death but the spiritual death. When a man is spiritually dead, he has no connection with God, because God is a Spirit and He is connected to those who are alive to Him in the Spirit. Lest we get to far, you may like to ask further, what is unrighteousness? A literal way to attempt this is simply saying all thing that are not right and rightly done is unrighteousness and by far it is known as SIN. How then...