I have listened to some biblical teachings that have named SIN as "Satan Imparted Nature", "Satan Identification Number", "Satan Infected Nature" and so on. No doubt, these are quite good descriptions of SIN. But I notice in scripture just like you might have, "All the unrighteousness is sin..." (I John 5:17). You see, Sin is unrighteousness and not just an unrighteousness but all unrighteousness. We see essentially in Ezekiel  18:4  "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Hmmm, the death expressed here is not actually the physical death but the spiritual death. When a man is spiritually dead, he has no connection with God, because God is a Spirit and He is connected to those who are alive to Him in the Spirit. 

Lest we get to far, you may like to ask further, what is unrighteousness? A literal way to attempt this is simply saying all thing that are not right and rightly done is unrighteousness and by far it is known as SIN. How then do we determine that which is right from the wrong?

To start with, whoever you are, you must have been preached to against SIN a time or the other, perhaps by a friend, church elder, pastor or an evangelist. More so, a number of tracts, christian literature, gospel movies and christian media broadcast must have enlighten you on SIN. Beloved, if not, I am sorry about my thought and at the same time happy because you are reading this now. 

Since you now know what SIN represents and by far it consequences, it is important you turn away from Sin and of course all sort of unrighteousness. You know, many people have found it the most difficult to live without SIN, I like to tell you, it is one of the easiest life to live only if you will tell the one you want to please, I mean God to help you. He has helped many to do the same before us and He is capable of helping you also if you can just ask Him to help you. I am most sure that when we come boldly to the throne of grace, we will obtain mercy and get the needed grace and help to live a sinless life(Hebrews  4:16). Friend, living a sinless life is not in your power but in the person of Christ that lives inside you. Again, Christ in you is an unquestionable mandate of a victorious life over sin, Satan and the flesh.

Second, if one claims to be a believer in Christ Jesus and still finds himself or herself in the sin territory of the devil, the fellow needs more of Christ and you get this by praying more for the fullness of Christ in you. You know, "...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."(2 Corinthians 5:17). You cannot be in Christ and the devil still manifests his nature through you, it should not be, because you are in a new life, and that, in Christ Jesus. Beloved, you will have to fight the devil's nature in you by consciously rejecting, renouncing and resisting him with prayers and speaking out God's Word just like Jesus did when tempted of the devil (Matthew 4:3-11).

Let's add this, sin defines itself in you. Dear friend, the truth is that anytime you do the wrong, something within you convicts you of erring from a set of rules, norms and values in the society and you are liable of being punished if caught. I remember the passage of scripture in Romans  8:14, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Are you a child of God? I tell you God's Spirit is in you to convict you of sin when it present itself, because He lead His own children except you are  actually not His. You see, His spirit in you helps you to define sin. Follow the leadings and cautions of God's Spirit, its in you.

What is SIN? I will close as I borrow from one of my treasured mentors in faith on sin. Am sure it will interest you, according to him within the context of the then teaching, "Sin is the most infective weapon to cut man away from the presence of God" and I add, that is why the devil will never get tired of tempting man to sin. 

Beloved, Watch and Pray!


'Seyi Adebile


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