On a quite tragic situation, "...we thank God it has not always been like this" was the commencing statement of a man who has been well labelled for starting his prayers often with thanksgiving. As received, the audience anticipated how he would commence his prayer on that fateful day, but because his heart and spirit is addicted to thanksgiving he found a way out to still THANK GOD even in a most tragic and unpleasant condition.
Dear friend, I know, it is very easy to THANK GOD in sweet and rosy situations, but when things are sour and not turning the way we expect, thanking God becomes a little difficult. Don't forget, the scriptures exhorts us to give thanks in every situation "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1Thessalonians 5:18). We need to cultivate a lifestyle of thanking God when things are good or bad.
Beloved, when things are smooth and just fine, it is appropriate to give thanks so you don't become an ingrate; on the other hand, when things appears rough and unpleasant, thanksgiving is also needful to turn such difficult condition around for good. Permit my dropping this, THANKING GOD is a potent weapon for victory and miracle; in the same way, it is in thanking God that difficulty losses its strength.
Let me guess you know, it is when we THANK GOD for the good we have received from Him that we get a better good; again, it is when you thank God in an unpleasant experience that you experience His merciful and mighty intervention. Little wonder Ephesians 5:20 says, "Giving thanks ALWAYS FOR ALL THINGS unto God..."
THANK GOD in every situation... May we receive Grace to thank God always.
'Seyi Adebile
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