" can't beat them, join them", an ancient adage which may still be much relevant in circular affairs, but will never hold water in the Christian faith. This is simply because the non-conformist clause as believers principle for living has not and can never be changed, "For I am the lord, I change not..."(Malachi 3:6).

Beloved, you need to know that God's unchanging nature does not only touch His healing, miraculous and prospering power and ability; it also places particular emphasis on God's principles for living of which one is our non-conformity to the world. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."(Romans12:2). This is not just an expression but a commandment for God's children (believers), instructing us not to be given to the sinful practices and pleasures of this world but should rather stand out to impress and enforce the Kingdom's Will here on earth, in fact as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Dear friend, in heaven is no sin, either the one you have categorized as small or big. Try to understand this well, devising sin, liking but not acting sin is SIN. Sinning is conformity to the world and the Lord commands against it.

Have you been taken over with the force of fashion, music, technology and creeds of this world beyond ethical rights, moral standards and scriptural truths? You might just have enlisted yourself as one of God's enemy. Permit my little illustration with the fashion thing here, we know all we wear and use are products of our world, but when you get attuned with fashion to trample on God's principles of keeping our nakedness (Revelation 3:8), moderation (Philippians 4:5) as well as gender dress alternation (Deuteronomy 22:5) you have broken the hedge of God's non-conformity clause. As God's children, we must stand strong against the forces of worldliness in our societies, DON'T CONFORM!

I conclude by stating, If you can't beat them, fight on and in a short while, you will not only beat them but win them.


'Seyi Adebile


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