When we are confronted with situations that compel us to do the ideal against the voice and pressure of realities, you hear such statements as, "it is easier said than done". Many times, we tend to live our lives in response to the voice of realities with little or no consideration for the repercussions, consequences and in fact the mind of the supreme law giver (God).
Something that concerns my mind mostly is how we could be so 'ignorant' of God's mind and will in the midst of a circled world predominated with divine teachings, messages, writings and sermons by such acclaimed called fellows of God around us. If I am correct, Africa, for instance, and Nigeria particularly has been pointed as the most religious enclave in the world, yet it appears, descriptively a Sodom of this age. The pain remains, as much as the Gospel is preached, very little are given to adhering and living in accordance to it; we hear a lot but fail to do them. Let's benefit from James exhortation, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only deceiving your own selves" (James 1: 22).
Beloved, the problem with our world is that even though we have all claimed to be Christians, affiliated with one great and noble denomination or the other, hearing God's word from time to time, we have fail to DO IT. We hear so much from our committed pastors, overseers, bishops, prophets and leaders but we will never pray to find grace to DO IT, instead we submit ourselves to the pressure of realities which are often not truths to dictate and control our lives.
Listen, when you are not a doer of God's word, but just a hearer, you have successfully enthroned yourself as your own personal enemy, "only deceiving your own self".
Dear friend, "for not the hearers of the laws are just before God, but the doers of the laws shall be justified" (Romans 2:13). God does not reckon with just hearer of His word; been a Church goer, deacon, worker, even a church leader, hearing his word often does not necessarily moves God to recognize you. God only recognizes the doers of His word. Are you just a hearer and not a doer? Identify your position and cry for God's grace for necessary adjustment, He will help you to DO IT.
You must not just be a hearer, but a doer, DO IT.
'Seyi Adebile
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