
Showing posts from 2018






I will not forget so easily a statement I imbibed from one of my leadership mentors,  "... not until I successfully finish my leadership task, I am not a Leader". These words provoke my thoughts on leadership from time to time, as I came to the understanding that there is no such thing as a 'failed leader', Leadership in itself is successful and without failure in its lexicon; should any one fail as a leader, he was not a leader in the first place. I learnt, leadership is not the position in itself, but a test of it qualification.  In short, the euphoria of a leader is weighed more on his/her ending than beginning. As Ecclesiastes 7:8 puts it, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof..."  The reality of the close of the present year is much with us than the previous weeks, specifically with the festive mood over the annual celebration of the birth date of the Jesus Christ (God's gift and redemption of the whole universe). However, the lo...


"...not how far, but how well". Borrowing from this aphorism might be a nice way of connecting our thoughts with the previous issue - FINISHING WELL (1). As this particular year winds up before our very eye, you may like to ask yourself, "How far have I gone?" "How well have I fared?" You will find out the different essence of the questions in your attempt answering it. I may ask this way, how far have you gone in pursuing your goals, and how well are your established in the attainment of your goals? May be you heard of this, an athlete whose name I lost in memory represented his country in one of the past global sport fiesta. The runner commenced a race in the competition. O mine, he started well and strong and also ran far beyond his competitors. Along the line, he suffered a heavy fall that gave other racers the advantage to get ahead of him. While he struggled to get up and continue the race, he found out he was the only one left behind, yet he muscle...


While we were in the primary and secondary school, we were quite familiar with the phrase "repeat". This is used to described the measure taken by the school to ensure that pupils and students are taken through the learning experiences and achieve expected outcome they need to navigate from one academic year to the other. A total twist when we got to the higher institution, the usage of the word and act of "repeating" classes suddenly fades away. Students failure at this educational level will no longer retain them in a previous academic class but will puncture the eventual academic attainment of such student at the expected end of the academic programme. I believe you know that between the secondary education and higher education lies certain requirements to be qualified for movement into the next educational level (higher institution); again student that will not finish the first educational level well will not benefit mobility into the second or next level.  Bel...


The term virus is popularly used in computer and health sciences. In computer, it is seen as an hidden program that corrupts and causes damage to system files and documents, while in health it is known as a causative agent of infectious diseases. I have a computer in which a number of my important files are stored. The system developed a fault recently and would not boot at all, when I consulted a repairer, he told me my system might be suffering a virus attack, since then he has embarked on the process of retrieving my files. I just pray it works out, it won't be pleasant missing those documents. In short, the nature of virus is negative and not constructive at all. Sin is that virus that corrupts our lives and damages our relationship with God. When we commit sin, we are already affecting our lives negatively. When a sin is committed and not confessed,  another sin is needed to cover it up. Someone who stole a very little object would need to further adopt lies to cove...


There are several issues that are beyond the knowledge of man. This fact has necessitated the usual saying, "who knows tomorrow?" The expression is often made to give hope in a tiring or seemingly unpromising and unproductive affair. However, one of man's greatest limitation is seeing beyond the reach of his eyes. As you read these words, with the same  posture you have there, can you say a bit of what is happening in the next compound to you? Can you talk about what is going to happen circumstantially tomorrow at exactly 9:22am? Can you tell the next blessing in God's pipeline for you? My friend, you don't know any of these except you are possessed by a spirit; ensure it an holy and not an evil spirit. Just thinking, do you know, if we were not told by your parents or guardian so many of us will lack knowledge of our birth dates just as we all lack knowledge of our death dates. When talking about knowledge, at best you can only talk of man's desires and expe...


It was a cool but ruinous evening, scarcely have we enjoyed the freshness of the free gift of air in our residence, we had of a fire outbreak in a neighbouring institution. The news without delay has gone round town, students and staff of the institution got on their ways to rescue the situation. In the meanwhile, I noticed an elderly man sobbing and been consoled by some others. My inquisitiveness stirred my investigation, I got to know he was one of the teachers in the institution whose office, said to be containing most of his academic merits and probably his certificates, had been engulfed in the burning fire. While others with zeal tried to break into some office spaces to rescue documents and other office equipments, I felt his pain and also thought of how papers could cause tears from an elder, but I discovered, papers differs and this will determine the measure of importance attached to it. What an unpalatable experience! Sure you know what certificates could mean to i...


I bring before you the subject of Peace. The desire for peace in the world cannot be overemphasised, specifically with the various devastating experiences that has sieged the human race in history. One truth many people have failed to come in terms with is, the quest for national peace can only be a reality when individual peace is attained. When individuals, families and organisations are able to achieve peace, then global peace will be much more achievable. Get around and interact with people, you will discover how peace constitutes one of man's most invaluable needs. The lack of peace by individuals and groups have generated depression, fear and even different sort of medical challenges. I believe you will agree with me that peace cannot be man-made but divine (it is from God). While it is true that some people thought the reason for their lack of peace is a result of their inability to meet daily needs, family challenges, oppression and affliction; others are quick to blame peo...


Quite recently, a highly placed leader and administrator was said to have encouraged his subordinates openly on the use of POSITIVE LIES. This, according to him should be employed to save as well as pursue individual and organisational objectives since the use of lies is not well welcomed in social dealings, moral relationship and more, considered a sin in chaste religious circles. Perhaps, a new strategy to lend credence to the adoption of lies, POSITIVE LIES! A well intellectually caved out paradox persuasively tempting to justify the usage of lies to the morally correct and spiritually upright.  Before now, I hear people use such phrases as 'little' and 'white' (you may be aware of some others) to qualify the nature of lie been told. Although, I lack the knowledge of what a 'white lie' mean, but 'little lie' might be less difficult to understand; it could mean a small false statement with little or no defacing or damming outcome.  One thing that mu...


A friend of mine who would certainly not mind me sharing his experience for others to learn, got engaged in a so-called investment on which He committed a significant part of his savings. Just like any other, the deal behind any investment is to make resourceful profit soon or later. However, according to him, he never intended to commit so much to it; but over time, he had to empty his life savings to overhaul his returns in the investment. The unfortunate happened when he suffered an overwhelming loss of the said investment. I think a young man like this friend of mine would be in a better position to tell the ordeals and internal pains associated with a wasted investment. Permit me the space to clarify that investments are not only in terms of monetary assets. Parents invest in their children by getting them access to qualitative and quantitative education; teachers do the same by imparting the essential knowledge and skills needed for the child overall development. Similarly, go...


In my little understanding, a vessel is anything that can contain substances or objects; better still, a container. I will not forget easily the difficulty associated with sharing things with others while we were younger, just as we seat and watch among children today. Two school children were given a toy gift to play with by their teacher having impressed her on their performance in lessons, while the first was engaged with the toy, the other demanded for the use of the toy, since they both can exercise ownership over the object. In couple of minutes, the two supposed friends were already at logger heads over the said toy. Not quite long from then, both of them started making aggressive statements of ownership over the toy than the other. In the end,  a serious fight ensued between the two that would result in the damage of the toy. Do you know the toy ended up destroyed from the competitive pullings and dragging it was never spared of by these two kids. Dear reader, the end of a ...


In affiliation to the scriptures, it is often said "a good name is better than gold and silver". A good name in this context could mean a savoured character and repute, while the gold and silver obviously points to prosperity. The essence of this saying is to draw attention to the popular mad race for wealth at the expense of a good name. In quest for prosperity, several people have engaged in dubious and diabolical practices rather than dutiful diligence. You hear some desperate wealth seekers say things like "whatever it takes and will cost me, I must get wealthy"; and true to their words, they do everything possible, even the unthinkable to attain it with little or no consideration of the consequences of an ill gotten wealth. Indeed, wealth is good and it is one of the evidences of prosperity. What is yet to be understood by several wealth seekers is that God never created any man poor or destined anyone to live in poverty, man has only determined his condition ...


As I thought deeply about TIME, two popular aphorisms crossed my mind. The first, "time waits for no man" and the second "procastination is the thief of time". While the first illustrates the need for judicious use and irrecovable nature of time, the second points at one of world's biggest time robber- PROCASTINATION.  Procrastination than any other thing as deprived many people of several accomplishments. It is quite unfortunate that as much as its victims lament on their state of non-achievement, they fail to see the underpinnings of their procrastinations. Perhaps, this may make some sense to you, the greatest challenge we face when confronted with a lingering challenge is our failure to identify the key source of the challenge. To be an achiever in any sphere of life,  the voice of procrastination is one that must be vehemently dealt with. It represents one of TIME greatest foe.  I perceived you might be a victim of procrastination,  maybe you often postpon...


We live in a world where people have their hope tied to different things. Some have developed a strong hope in man while others have learnt to trust in physical and material things. Hope as to do with the belief in fulfillment or a desire accompanied by expectation.  As a matter of fact, hope in riches or man is vain because none of these delivers an assured fulfillment of expectation. Hear scriptures exhortation on the foolishness and vanity of hope man.  Psalms  118:8 says  "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Trusting and hoping in God is everything and confidence in man is vain. Man is flesh and blood that we see now and may not exist in the next minutes. Better is it to trust the creator than to hope in His creature.  "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." (Psalm 146:3) Help from man is limited and help from God is divinely limitless. At the end of man's impossibilities is the commen...


The increasing rate of marital separation in our society has become a matter of concern in Christian circles. Church leaders are getting wearied of the frequency of marital issues on their counsel row. Our courts now attend to cases of marital dissolution than ever. Scarcely will you read a newspaper without coming across cases of divorce. The currency of this happening in our world has grown a sentiment of, "if your marriage refuses to work, break it!". This is very far from God's precept on marriage and family life. "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." (Matthew 19:6) I remembered vividly a couple of weeks ago, I met a woman with a court clerk who came across my way demanding to see a colleague of mine who happened to be her husband (I never met her until then). The visit was to deliver a court notice for a divorce suit. Since, I knew little or nothing about the whole matter, I cou...


I heard of a scenario where a group of travellers contained in a bus carriage were plying a traveling route when their vechile generated fire. Thanks to a 'good Samaritan' who demonstrated kindness, he parked his own car, hurriedly got and quickly applied his fire extinguisher on the burning vechile to rescue the situation from escalating into a dissastrious inferno. But for God's mercy, no life was lost in the incident.  Considering this, I thought of the place called Hell; the eternal destination of unrepentant sinners, impenitent backsliders and athiestic apostates. "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." (Revelation 21:8) It is an abode of eternal burning for the devil and his disciples (Revelation 20:10). Hell! An unimaginable and indescribable valley of fire; not jus...


Stains are not difficult to discover on the surface. I remembered the other day, I got a white shirt of mine stained with oil, it was not funny, I felt ashamed than embarassed to be seen that way. Unfortunately, I was not in any way close to my wardrobe, I could have changed immediately. Many thanks to that small white handkerchief of mine that covered up till I  was able to get an alternative. Stains are unwanted and embarrassing, they are blemishes that demeans our appearance and presentation. Just imagine yourself in your well tailored  and laundered office outfit, standing for a cab to work, then got stained by mud water from a reckless drive; I am sure you would rather be late than appear in stains at work. However, the incident may appear too light an offence from the motorist since it was not an intentional act; yet it could cost an identity slight you might not get over  so soon.  Dear reader, much as we detest stains physically, it is expected that we sh...


Except you live very far away from our modest civilization; highways are not difficult to come by in this part of the world, specifically for the dominance of automobiles in our transport system. Highways are speed routes for vechiles, scarely with congestions. Road users are meant to abide by traffic rules and focus on their lanes to avoid event of accidents. Distractions on the highway might be disastrous.  Highways are lined via forest regions, specifically those linking cities with distanced proximity. This often presents an unpalatable experience for automobile owners and users when mobile carriage mal-functions on their journey; getting helps in such situations might be sometimes difficult.  Dear reader, at this juncture, I like to bring to fore a different highway to that which we are quite familiar with. There is another Highway, not actually for automobiles but for heavenly minded persons, that is Heaven's Highway- The Way of Holiness. "And an highway shall be there,...


No matter how much you make; IF YOU MISS HEAVEN, You have made the greatest BLUNDER OF ALL AGES.


The snow and wool are two unlike objects with varying differences but instructive attributes. Despite the natural and describable differences between the two, we still find a connecting similarity that became figuratively useful in scripture; that is, its appearance of purity, chastity and lack of dirt.  Talking about attributes, the wool is soft, flexible and easy to handle; while the snow always appear hard but quick to dissolve without pressure. Many of us presents ourselves to be hard, unteachable and to influence by God through His gentle spirit. Beloved, kindly learn from the SNOW and WOOL.  Perhaps, the straight similarity and didactic attributes of the snow and wool makes it descriptively adopted in scriptures, "Come now, and  let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18) Dear reader, you need not write yourself off because of the guilt...


Settlement would not be of relevance in an atmosphere of peace, love and harmony. Settlement could simply means "to make peace", it is an effort to foster mutual understanding between two parties or more. At times, facilitating settlements might be demanding and costly; yet sometimes, it could just require our self-acknowledgement, submission and humility.  I make bold to shout 🔊, A SINNING MAN IS IN CONFLICT WITH GOD . I mean, if you are still living in sin; the small or little lies you tell, the malice you keep, the unforgiven, immoral and adulterous  nature that has overcomed you, the petty and sophisticated (ICT) stealing and cheating you engage in and the many others you can not just do away with has successfully in keeping you in a big disagreement with your Creator- God.  Friend, I know you are aware no one will ever win in a fight with God, then why fight Him in the first place? God knows your fighting Him will always be at your disadvantage now and in the end....


Perhaps you have responded to several calls today; remember the last "come" directed to you (if you had responded appropriately), am very sure you changed your position or probably stood up and walked in response to the call. When we hear "come", immediately we get aware of a call that might be answered or declined. Either been used persuasively or on command, "come" often goes beyond demanding attention to propel action. Again, when "now" follows the word "come", it further emphasizes the urgency attached to the call. I believe you understand, there are some calls we must not refused. A call from a dignified elder or an individual in position of authority, if so declined, it spells disrespect; and for kings, it is termed abomination which certainly attracts punishment, if not death with some cultures.  If you will not refuse the call of fellow mortals because of the position, power, or possible purnishment you may incur; then, ...


You don't know what 'scale of preference' means, I will ask, what school did you attend?😁 More importantly, as we learnt from economics knowledge 'scale of preference' has to do with with our priority of needs and wants. However, in living a purpose driven life, we need to adopt a scale of preference to set our priorities right. Here, I mean, what do you place as first, second, third... priorities in  your life? Do you know that everyone on earth operates a scale of preference for their lives? The truth, probably yet untold, is that many people drive a preference scale unconciously- they live their lives based on pressures, distractions and at the most opportunities without determined priorities. Several others, perhaps just like you, have placed their first priority on certificates, marriage, position or power. Maybe yours is aligned towards money, materialism, popularity or fame. Beloved, all these, if legitimately earned are quite good and commendab...


"In Whatever Circumstance we find Ourselves, we must understand that there is NO ALTERNATIVE TO GOD."


The popular acceptance that diligence and handwork is the cruise to success and prosperity has stirred up great dreams and  willingness in people. Individuals now put in untold efforts to pursue and achieve their envisioned desires. While it is true that the several success stories we hear today are attributed to such indispensable ingredients as desire (willingness), diligence (running) and determination (focus); the efficacy of God's show of mercy can and should not be underrated. Romans 9:16 tells us, "So then, it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." It is true, the God factor in the several success motivation we hear are often silenced; yet I put it to you, be courageous to ask that your successful mentor or discipler "what are the mysteries or miracles tied in your rising to what you have made out of life?" I am quite sure, in fairness he/she will be able to point at two or more unexplainable scenarios that ...