There are several issues that are beyond the knowledge of man. This fact has necessitated the usual saying, "who knows tomorrow?" The expression is often made to give hope in a tiring or seemingly unpromising and unproductive affair. However, one of man's greatest limitation is seeing beyond the reach of his eyes. As you read these words, with the same  posture you have there, can you say a bit of what is happening in the next compound to you? Can you talk about what is going to happen circumstantially tomorrow at exactly 9:22am? Can you tell the next blessing in God's pipeline for you? My friend, you don't know any of these except you are possessed by a spirit; ensure it an holy and not an evil spirit.

Just thinking, do you know, if we were not told by your parents or guardian so many of us will lack knowledge of our birth dates just as we all lack knowledge of our death dates. When talking about knowledge, at best you can only talk of man's desires and expectations, no man knows. It therefore pitches me when I come in contact with men who boast themselves as they know all things even 'better than God', what an huge deception. Man, you are limited in knowledge and the perfection of your knowledge is in God, that's if you let Him perfect it.

Now, I ask again, WHO KNOWS? If you are not yet convinced of your limited knowledge, am sure you can't know this; do you know when CHRIST will return? "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Mathew 24:36) Angels are not left out of the ignorance of the timing of God's coming. It is quite true that several self-acclaimed prophets have prophesied on Christ's coming several times and failed, this is a crystal show of man's ignorance and imperfect knowledge. 

Since no one knows, not even the heavenly angels when Christ will return, then as people who desire to join Him at His appearance and reign in His Kingdom we have the key responsibility to keep ourselves, watch and pray as we expect His coming. As scripture teaches that the timing of Christ's coming is unknown to any man and angels, it also emphasises that Christ's return will be sudden (1Corinthians 15:52; 1Thessalonians 5:2). As we expect His unannounced and sudden return, we need to WATCH our lives so that when he returns, He will find us worthy of reigning with Him in Heaven.

I conclude as I ask again, WHO KNOWS? If you don't know, then WATCH!!!

Matthew 24:42, "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."


ADEBILE, Oluwaseyi Paul



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