Quite recently, a highly placed leader and administrator was said to have encouraged his subordinates openly on the use of POSITIVE LIES. This, according to him should be employed to save as well as pursue individual and organisational objectives since the use of lies is not well welcomed in social dealings, moral relationship and more, considered a sin in chaste religious circles.
Perhaps, a new strategy to lend credence to the adoption of lies, POSITIVE LIES! A well intellectually caved out paradox persuasively tempting to justify the usage of lies to the morally correct and spiritually upright.
Before now, I hear people use such phrases as 'little' and 'white' (you may be aware of some others) to qualify the nature of lie been told. Although, I lack the knowledge of what a 'white lie' mean, but 'little lie' might be less difficult to understand; it could mean a small false statement with little or no defacing or damming outcome.
One thing that must be made straight and clear is that no matter the classification given to a lie, it is still a lie- A LIE IS A LIE! Nothing but the TRUTH can change the meaning, purpose and punishment for lie. Lie is false statement, It is therefore impossible for something to be false and yet positive, if it appears so, patiently examine it, it is deceptive.
I don't know how you see this but the fact is that, whatever definition you give to lie, God hates it passionately, see Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood... A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." Friend, don't be deceived God hates lie, thus telling lie is a sin against Him. You must avoid and resist lies.
Dear reader, do you know telling lies are capable of incurring punishment on its culprits? I find something terrifying about liars in scriptures "A sword is upon the liars; and they shall dote...and they shall be dismayed." (Jeremiah 50:36) Again, in Revelation 21:8 the eternal destiny of liars is clearly spelt out "But the fearful, and unbelieving... and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." With these, why should I still give myself away to the deception of a POSITIVE LIE?
There is no such thing as POSITIVE LIE,
Nothing but the Truth can change a LIE,
Deception is the chief objective of LIE,
Shun the devil's new creed, for LIE is LIE!
ADEBILE, Oluwaseyi Paul
seyiadebile.blogspot. com
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