The term virus is popularly used in computer and health sciences. In computer, it is seen as an hidden program that corrupts and causes damage to system files and documents, while in health it is known as a causative agent of infectious diseases. I have a computer in which a number of my important files are stored. The system developed a fault recently and would not boot at all, when I consulted a repairer, he told me my system might be suffering a virus attack, since then he has embarked on the process of retrieving my files. I just pray it works out, it won't be pleasant missing those documents. In short, the nature of virus is negative and not constructive at all.
Sin is that virus that corrupts our lives and damages our relationship with God. When we commit sin, we are already affecting our lives negatively. When a sin is committed and not confessed, another sin is needed to cover it up. Someone who stole a very little object would need to further adopt lies to cover that act of stealing, just like a fornicator or adulterer may eventually end up as a murderer of life in abortion to cover that sin. Some will start with backbiting, continue with tale-bearing and probably end with false witness. Hhmmm, that is how a virus grows until it eventually spreads and destroys the whole. Galatians 5:9 sheds light to this, it says "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." If it is a leaven of sin, if not quickly tackled(confessed and repented), it grows to affect the whole man just like a virus. Sin is deadly and if not confessed and rejected, it eventually sinks you in Hell.
Dear friend, I remembered my computer repairer told me, I was the cause of my system's fault. I asked why? He accused me of not having an active and up to date antivirus installed on it. According him, that was why my system was able to accommodate the activities of viruses. At this point, I thought of Spiritual Antivirus, that can help prevent from sin and also cleanse from sin. "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." (John 15:3); "...the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7) From these verses and many others, we understand that the Word of God (the written Word), the Blood and name of Christ is powerful, active and always updated fight against sin and the devil himself. Jesus overcame the devil who came tempting Him by the Word of God, He kept saying, "For it is written..." (Matthew 4:1-10). When temptation to sin comes what do you remember of the written word?
The devil has his virus of sin and we have the most powerful antivirus in Christ. Use the Word of God, the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus to combat all sin virus in your life, then you will live a spiritually healthy and balanced life.
Sin is the Virus, the Word of God, Blood and name of Jesus is the Antivirus.
ADEBILE, Oluwaseyi Paul
seyiadebile.blogspot. com
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