A friend of mine who would certainly not mind me sharing his experience for others to learn, got engaged in a so-called investment on which He committed a significant part of his savings. Just like any other, the deal behind any investment is to make resourceful profit soon or later. However, according to him, he never intended to commit so much to it; but over time, he had to empty his life savings to overhaul his returns in the investment. The unfortunate happened when he suffered an overwhelming loss of the said investment. I think a young man like this friend of mine would be in a better position to tell the ordeals and internal pains associated with a wasted investment.
Permit me the space to clarify that investments are not only in terms of monetary assets. Parents invest in their children by getting them access to qualitative and quantitative education; teachers do the same by imparting the essential knowledge and skills needed for the child overall development. Similarly, government invests in various aspect of the state structure to insure the welfare and security of generations unborn. However, investments are of various kinds with one connecting but unpalatable possibility which is the turbulence and uneasy experience involved when it ends in loss. You will quite agree with me that no one desires a loss of his or her investments.
Let's sail on the same boat of thought for a moment. Do you know that God's act of creation was an investment on the world and man(you and I) particularly? In fact, scripture affirms in the personified words of God, "This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise." (Isaiah 43:21). The investment God made in creating man was to yield the returns of men showing forth His praise. Anything short of this is a Wasted Investment.
Beyond this, that you are alive this day and since you were born is God's investment over you. He is investing His protection, providence, peace, mercies and grace upon you not just for the fun of it, He has a purpose for keeping you alive. If you don't know this, I think you need to start finding out before He gets tired of committing His resources to a unyielding investment in you.
The words here may be a pointer in helping you discover the major returns God is expecting of His measureless and priceless investment over you. God expects you to show forth is Praise here on earth. The only way you may become a useful, yielding, precious and treasured investment to God is by first, embracing the Grace of salvation by repenting of your evil doings and forsaking it. You then, depend on God to live a life in Christ who loves you and gave Himself just for you.
Having laid the foundation of salvation, there are several ways of becoming a treasured investment to God, such include living a life of righteousness, winning souls for Christ, laying your gifts and talents on the altar of sacrifice for the growth of God's Kingdom here with us, among several other rewardable and meritorious service to God. Dear friend, give Christ a Chance in your Life and stop being a Wasted Investment- This is simply how to show forth His Praise.
By way of conclusion, your living is not meant to be a Wasted Investment. There is something tangible, resourceful and worthy to God you can use your life to accomplish. Let me drop this, your life will remain a wasted investment until you discover and accomplish God's purpose for your preservation.
A Wasted Investment is a Pain to the Investor; You will rather be a Wasted Reality than being a Pain to God.
ADEBILE, Oluwaseyi Paul
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