You don't know what 'scale of preference' means, I will ask, what school did you attend?😁 More importantly, as we learnt from economics knowledge 'scale of preference' has to do with with our priority of needs and wants. However, in living a purpose driven life, we need to adopt a scale of preference to set our priorities right. Here, I mean, what do you place as first, second, third... priorities in  your life?

Do you know that everyone on earth operates a scale of preference for their lives? The truth, probably yet untold, is that many people drive a preference scale unconciously- they live their lives based on pressures, distractions and at the most opportunities without determined priorities.

Several others, perhaps just like you, have placed their first priority on certificates, marriage, position or power. Maybe yours is aligned towards money, materialism, popularity or fame. Beloved, all these, if legitimately earned are quite good and commendable, specifically when obtained at an appreciably young age.

We may as well derive wisdom from Matthew 6:33, "But seek to first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." What an instructive verse of scripture; while we pursue our legitimate priorities, we should endeavor to make seeking God's Kingdom our uttermost and primary priority. As youths and middle aged persons we have to make pursing God, His Purpose and His Kingdom a central priority in our life preference.

Dear reader, I like to propose that in life, we may have to develop a primary and secondary scale of preference. While the entirety of our primary priorities should be directed towards serving God and fulfilling His Kingdom purpose on earth, our secondary priorities may be channelled to our mundane aspirations.

With this, I am confident that, "...all these things[wealth, fame, certificates, power... blissful marriage] shall be added unto you."(Matthew 6:33).

Make God primary and central in your scale of preference and experience the full realization of all your insatiable desires.

"...and it shall come to pass"


ADEBILE, Oluwaseyi Paul


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