
Showing posts from July, 2020


WHERE DO I LOOK (4) HANDLING DISTRACTIONS Sometimes, distractions are closer to us than our minds. We may not just be able to avoid it for they are active and readily present features of our worlds. Whatever draws or diverts your attention from what should be your central focus, purpose and goal in life is a distraction. Nothing hinders and limits us from looking to Jesus than distractions such as pains, disappointments, sufferings, lacks, afflictions and oppressions of the devil; the list could go endless but certainly not without identifying the distractions of deceits, temptations to sin and worldly pleasures. More often, distractions arises from the external environment and gets settled on the mind, at this point shunning or disregarding it might take serious self-discipline or a help beyond self; here, I mean a divine assistance to still remain focused  despite the clouds of distractions around. I must let you know looking to JESUS will help. Beloved, in fairness and sincerity...


WHERE DO I LOOK? (3) DISREGARD DISTRACTIONS! "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)  In the Faith, are you a babe or an 'adult'? You need to look unto Jesus. He is the author and finisher of the Faith you claim to have  received.  It may also be of interest to you, Jesus is the only hope of our Faith life and journey. Looking unto him makes us consistent, steadfast and courageous.  Remember the  optimistic and cheerful disciple- Peter, his faith journey while he walked on waters with Jesus was quite enviable at his take-off, but in process time, he began to sink. Beloved, are you still consistent and stable in your walk with God as you're journeying through this stormy oceans of life? You see, when he (Peter) stepped on the waters, his eyes was fastened on Jesus, he walked on it confidently. Al...


WHERE DO I LOOK? (2) LOOK UP! Have you ever seen someone climbing an height, yet looking downwards? The outcome of such climbing adventure is obvious than hopeful.  If you must climb to victory, your sight must be directed upwards and that continuously.  "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)  Unlike men, no negatives with Jesus.  When you look unto JESUS; you see beyond the the physical,  you see beyond existential realities,  you see light,  you see possibilities,  you behold His Glory.  Sometimes, you say, "how else can I look on Jesus?  I have been looking and yet my challenges persist, nothing appears changing" Why?  Don't you think there is always dawn after dusk; the perceived protracted time of that trial is for the perfection of your beauty, testimonies an...


PRICELESS TRUTH 052: "Nothing on Earth takes us to Heaven than believing in the Person of Christ" - 'Seyi Adebile #PricelessTruth #TruthAddict #GraceSeeker  #times_of_restoration_and_refreshing #SeyiAdebile


WHERE DO I LOOK? "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."  (Hebrews 12:2)  I think instead of looking at men, why not focus your looking to Jesus. Man and the circumstances they create has nothing to offer you than disappointments, pains and discouragements. Jesus has everything to offer you,  He has peace, prosperity, power, grace, hope, comfort among several other goodies you need to live a satisfied and victorious life.  To think of it, He his the foundation, strength  and perfection of our Faith. While He experienced the trials,  tribulations and suffering for our redemption, He focused on the Father and beheld the radiating glory that awaits Him at the right hand of God's throne where He is now seated.  Beloved, do you see your attention being captured by the devil and the pleasures of sin pullin...