WHERE DO I LOOK (4) HANDLING DISTRACTIONS Sometimes, distractions are closer to us than our minds. We may not just be able to avoid it for they are active and readily present features of our worlds. Whatever draws or diverts your attention from what should be your central focus, purpose and goal in life is a distraction. Nothing hinders and limits us from looking to Jesus than distractions such as pains, disappointments, sufferings, lacks, afflictions and oppressions of the devil; the list could go endless but certainly not without identifying the distractions of deceits, temptations to sin and worldly pleasures. More often, distractions arises from the external environment and gets settled on the mind, at this point shunning or disregarding it might take serious self-discipline or a help beyond self; here, I mean a divine assistance to still remain focused despite the clouds of distractions around. I must let you know looking to JESUS will help. Beloved, in fairness and sincerity...