One of the most common thing with people is worries. Human beings worry a lot, we worry over what we eat, wear, drink and virtually every thing. The truth remains that our worries can certainly change nothing. Situation never gets changed or pacified by our worries. "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature."(Matthew 6:27) For me, I have learnt of two things that help change our conditions, that is prayers and trust in God- FAITH. These two works together. While you pray to God for your desires, you need to also trust in Him for the fulfillment of those desires. "Commit thy way unto the LORD (Pray); trust also in him (have faith in God); and he shall bring it to pass" (Psalm 37:5). It is therefore only through God that you can get the desires of your heart fulfilled. No ways with worries in getting your desires fulfilled. I remember that song writer, ...