Pursue God Passionately and not Men
"When you feel tired of going to church because of some believers attitude what will you do?"
We received this question from someone through one of our social media platform. Our response is copied below👇
Its good hearing from you.
I trust God to settle your burdens, worries and answer even all the silent questions of your heart and bring peace to your mind as you read!
Believers attitude? I have never considered that as a motivation to my appearing in His presence. My zeal for appearing in Church has been one of my efforts in my passionate pursuit of God...I rather focus on knowing my God's attitudes, wills, desires, passion, love, power and purpose than getting distracted by someone or some people's (you called believers) attitude.
Beloved, let knowing God in His perfect complexion be your obsession. "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" (Philippians 3:10).
Divert your efforts to knowing God rather than man. Don't you think you identified those attitudes because you were trying to know them. Don't get me wrong please, knowing people is amazing but this shouldn't be at the expense of your fellowship/intimacy with God.
Disregard distracting attitudes. Focus on God and never let anyone discourage you from appearing in His presence... Blind Bartimaeus never considered the people's attitude against his goal of seeing and particularly seeing Jesus, he pursued Christ blindly (like he never saw the people's attitude, obstructions, relegations, discrimination, hatred...) (Mark 10:46-52). He kept on, Keep on regardless!
Dear friend, go to that Church still, now blindly focusing on seeing and knowing the King of Glory...Your light has come! Your spirit, soul and body is now made whole! God and Shine as light even there!
I trust this helps you. Pls, stay focused and strong in the Lord and not in men.
God bless you!
Your brother,
'Seyi Adebile
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