Peace is one of the most desired condition of man. The essence of peace has left men, institutions and even nations to let go of their most treasured substances just to have a taste of peace. Disturbing as it may appear, sacrifices for peace in this world comes a with tangible cost sometimes including painful scares, losses, tears and emotional torture.

The good news however is, Christ has done and is doing so much to ensure your Peace while you walk through life here on earth. He knows of the sacrifices, costs and prices that comes for peace and He paid it all painfully yet with humility. 

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

It has been discovered that what people consider as sources of peace in this world have only proved to be transient and not enduring. 

People who pursued wealth in a bid to gain peace ends up complicating their worries, anxieties and apprehensions; others that sought peace through divinations and enchanted powers have intensified their precarious conditions under demonic afflictions, oppressions and torments. What a pity! 

Beloved, hear His word, "...that in me ye might have peace." Beyond all the inventions and allurements of the world that appear to offer peace, Jesus desires that you find PEACE in Him. He wants you to have enduring and perfect PEACE even in a troubled world. 

For your PEACE, He left His throne in Heaven to offer a  priceless and painful sacrifice. 

For your PEACE, He was despised, forsaken, rejected and numbered with transgressors. 

For your PEACE, the King of Glory was stripped, made poor, sick and without comfort.

For your PEACE, He was humiliated, made sorrowful and crucified.

For your PEACE, He disarmed principalities and power, triumphing over them.

For your PEACE, He is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for you.

For your Peace, He left here to prepare a peaceful and satisfying place for you in Heaven that you may be with Him in eternal fellowship as He returns...what more can be done? - He laid down His own life that you might have peace. All these and many more you don't even know, He did and His still doing just for your Peace.

Why are you runningšŸƒ everywhere in search for uncertainties? Jesus is the only author and giver of PEACE; you can only access PEACE in Christ by surrendering to Jesus and making Him your Saviour and Lord.

The peace offered by this world is short-termed, it breeds heartaches with many sorrows, turn to JESUS and be a partaker of His PEACE. 

I leave this with you also, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." (Isaiah  26:3)

'Seyi Adebile

#TruthAddict #GraceSeeker# Times_of_restoration_and_refreshing #PricelessTruth #SeyiAdebile


  1. Thank you Jesus for being the true source of my peace and rest.
    God bless,refill and keep using Bro Oluwaseyi Adebile for His Glory in Jesus' name(AMEN)

    1. Am so glad you read and commented...God bless you richly.


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