
Showing posts from October, 2019


"You are out of data, recharge your account..." This was what I got from my network provider the moment my device stopped been internet active. I could no longer engage by online businesses, posting my issue articles, checking my mail updates, chatting up my treasured friend through my various social media account..., it was not too cool. Then, it suddenly flashed my mind that as pilgrims on earth, it is necessary to recharge in the GRACE direction.  After all, we read in scripture, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..." (2Corinthian 12:9). The sufficiency of God's Grace as made no excuse for the believer in time of difficulties; infirmities and challenges because His Grace is sufficient. While, it remains true that "...all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2Timothy 3:12). For the believer, in the face of these persecutions victory is sure as he or she hangs ...


Are you currently in a despicable condition and you think and feel all hope is lost, I like to tell you, there is hope! You might be aware of the story of Elizabeth's fruitlessness (John I:5-25 ). Zechariah's family had considered the possibility of their fruitfulness bleak but yet God showed up. Elizabeth conceived and became fruitful. God is showing up in your affairs now. Beloved, there is hope of fruitfulness for you in God. All you need is to be "righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the lord blameless" (John 1:6). Do you lack vision like the man born blind (See John 9), his case was so severe that Christ's disciples had to ask, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that was born blind?" (John 9:2). See, there is hope for you because from that moment, the man received his sight. Yours may not be physical blindness, it could be lack of direction in life, all you need to do is to obey God as the Blind man d...


VANITY In the words of the preacher "...vanity of vanities; all is vanity."(Ecclesiastes 1:2) The vanity of life is a priceless and eternal true that all hominid must always be conscious of. In simple and direct terms vanity means emptiness and valuelessness. The preacher in his expression was pointing at the unending meaninglessness of man's toils and labours in this world. You see, we give our time, strength and skill to a number of earthly venture that are actually good with little attention of the usual end of it all. Have you seen or ever heard of a man who lived forever? Have you heard of anyone who dies and still lives on the earth? Have you heard of anyone whose achievement have not been challenged or surpassed in generations? The dressing point is that life itself is vanity and in it is no hope. Man is born to live, and lives to die...Man is born to die. Beloved, the unchanging death as man's end should place your thought in the realms of defining a hope for...